Mistletoe Wishing Ball Charm

Mistletoe Wishing Ball Charm

You will need:

One medium size bunch of mistletoe

Thick red ribbon (enough to attach your charm to the ceiling)

Thin red bootlace ribbon or ribbon for tying to your completed charm

One small gauze pouch - red if possible

A sixpence (if you do not have one, a small piece of silver jewellery will work just as well )

One small bell

Firstly clear your mind, then place the mistletoe in front of you. Take the thick ribbon in your right hand touch the mistletoe and say:

“Awake within this Yuletide bough - Harmony.”

Take the Mistletoe by the end of the branch and wind the ribbon around its stem once clockwise. Gently pull to secure. Hold the bound end of the branch in your left hand. Imagine the loving glow you wish to create in your home then say:

“I bind within this Yuletide bough – Peace.”

Again wind the ribbon around clockwise and secure. Wind the ribbon around the end one last time and knot securely taking the remaining end over to create a loop. You may need to trim it for hanging. Tie the end to the other side of the branch . Now pop your silver into the gauze bag with the bell and tie it to the inside centre of the Mistletoe ball and say:

“Spirit of the Yuletide Heart, let all within, Merry Meet and Merry Part."

Now cut your bootlace ribbon into small pieces for tying to the small branches. Each piece represents a wish for a family member or friend. Now your charm is ready to hang in your home.

I always pop ours in the hallway to greet guests as they arrive. As people leave you can invite them to receive their ‘wish gift’ by standing underneath and of course a Yuletide kiss. If you do not have a high enough ceiling you can always make a smaller version and pop it on your hearth or table and guests can receive their wish by placing their hand over the charm. Please remember the berries of this magical plant are poisonous and should not be eaten. Always wash your hands after touching Mistletoe.

With love from Debs.