The Comfort Cup
The Comfort Cup
To aid restful sleep at times of unrest, when you are feeling low and unsure, when you need comfort.
You will need:
Your favourite cup!
3 teaspoons of honey - clear is best
1 handful of chamomile flowers (an opened and emptied chamomile teabag will suffice)
Boiling water 3/4 of a pint
Heatproof jug
A spoon and a fine sieve
A piece of blue ribbon, wool or thread
To begin, take your cup and loop the ribbon through the handle and tie a bow.
Pop your chamomile into the jug and cover it with boiling water. Leave for about 2 minutes. Pour your chamomile infusion into the cup through the sieve, add your honey to taste.
Now stir it clockwise three times and say:
'Sweeten the cup, sweeten the sleep,
With peaceful dreams to guide my way
Content and revived my dreaming done
And with a happy heart my day begun.'
Then turn the whole cup anti clockwise to seal the charm.
Take 3 deep breaths exhaling slowly
Sip your comfort cup slowly.
When it is finished, untie the ribbon and pop it under your pillow.
Sleep well. xxx