The Door Washing Charm

The Door Washing Charm

To Harmonise and Protect the Loving Energy of Hearth and Home.

A simple charm to help safeguard the home and boost harmonious energies within. And who knows a little magical gift for your visitors too....

You will need: 

3 drops of orange oil - invites good fortune, happiness and contentment

2 drops of clove oil - encourages courage and protection

2 drops of lime essential oil - for purification and love 

Hot water

A white cloth

A bowl or bucket

Place your lovely oils into your bowl and pour on hot water. When the water has cooled sufficiently stir well in a clockwise fashion. Then take your cloth and gently wipe your door starting in the centre and working outwards in a clockwise movement. Whilst doing this repeat three times (either aloud or in your head):

"I protect this home and shield all within. Love, peace and harmony, I call you in..."

When you have done this wring your cloth out under running water, dry thoroughly and keep it for further cleansing. Pour your water out safely outside.

 And feel the difference.

Copyright The Goddess & Green Man 2019