Wheel Of The Year

Wheel Of The Year

Litha / Summer Solstice June 21

Litha / Summer Solstice June 21

Here we are at Midsummer, we have arrived at the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The Goddess is now full and pregnant with Child, and the Sun God is at the height of His virility. This is the peak of the Solar year and the Sun is…

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Beltane April 30 - May 1

Beltane April 30 - May 1

Sunset to SunsetBeltane honours Life. It represents the peak of Spring and the beginning of Summer. Earth energies are at their strongest and most active. All of life is bursting with potent fertility and at this point in the Wheel of the Year, the potential becomes conception. On May Eve…

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Ostara / Spring Equinox 21 March

Ostara / Spring Equinox 21 March

Ostara/Spring Equinox / Vernal Equinox March 21-22A point of perfect balance on the journey through the Wheel of the Year. Night and day are of equal length and in perfect equilibrium - dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer, in balance.   But the year is now waxing and…

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Imbolc / Candlemas February 1

Imbolc / Candlemas February 1

Imbolc, in the Celtic seasonal calendar marks the beginning of the lambing season and signals the beginning of Spring and the stirrings of new life. It is Feile Brighde, the 'quickening of the year'. The original word Imbolg means 'in the belly'. All is pregnant and expectant - and only…

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