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BOOK OF HAG (First Season: Bark) by Carolyn Hillyer

BOOK OF HAG (First Season: Bark) by Carolyn Hillyer

The BOOK OF HAG is wrapped around travels into old age and towards ancientness. Old women, elders, grandmothers, crones and hags inhabit its pages and propel it through cycles of time and wild landscape as they traverse the winter years. It unravels a tale of one woman and braids together the tales of many. The ongoing journey of Bark, an old woman who is travelling the hag road and navigating a chaotic and challenging winter threshold, is threaded through with a captivating and diverse collection of stories, snippets and songs.

When our sample copy of the Book of Hag arrived, my approach was interested and relaxed. After all, I have known Carolyn for well over 30 years and I know what she does – and she does it so well. As we are dear old crotchety fellow travelling companions down that relentless road towards oldness, I thought I will just flip it open and enjoy. What was I thinking?! I opened the book randomly, began to read, and well before the end of the page I was crying. Full flood. It spoke to me in my tenderest hidden folds and fragile secret places.Then gently gifted me with chuckles too. It spoke to me about me, and about my dear friend called everywoman… This is a book for you, and any woman you love. An old one.

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