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Brigid Cross Pendant

Brigid Cross Pendant

Sterling silver pendant, complete in a gauze pouch with a length of black cotton cord. 3.8 cms diameter. It is long time since we have found a Brigid Cross image which is authentic, is finely cast - and is made of silver. 

Traditionally the Bridget Cross is connected to the Festival of Imbolc, or Candlemas, celebrated at the beginning of February. 

 Imbolc is the great festival and honouring of Brigid (Brighid, Bride, Brigit), so loved as a pagan Goddess that her worship was woven into the Christian church as St Bridget. She is a Goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft. She is a Goddess of Fire, of the Sun and of the Hearth. She brings fertility to the land and its people and is closely connected to midwives and new-born babies. She is the Triple Goddess, but at Imbolc she is in her Maiden aspect.

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