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Lunar Pocket Planner 2025

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Lunar Pocket Planner 2025

The Lunar Pocket Planner Calendar for 2025 celebrates nature’s seasonal cycle and the eight fire festivals with stunning colourful illustrations. We celebrate the dance of the Sun and the Moon, the light and the dark, the ebb and the flow.

We hope to inspire you to stay in tune with nature’s cycles and to look up at the beautiful night sky.

Major Lunar Standstill

2025 is the peak of the Moon’s 18.6 year cycle when the Moon rises to her highest and lowest. We feature this phenomena and invite you to join us on a journey of exploration where we can learn together as we share our lunar observations.


Phase of the Moon each day
Full and new Moon date/time/sign
Moon’s sign and ingress
Fire festival times & dates
Planets visible in the night sky
Planets near the Moon
Sun & Moon rise/set times
Shooting stars dates
Moon’s path
KEY explaining symbols

17.5cm x 13cm

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