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Yuletide - A Journey Through The Days Of December

Yuletide - A Journey Through The Days Of December

A delightful book from Talking Trees who publish the best-selling Country Wisdom and Folklore Diary. It is presented in their signature simplicity of design, with love and imagination, on 100% recycled post-consumer wastepaper. 21cms x 15cms. Page-a-day format. A 'grown up' alternative to an advent calendar.

'We would like to take you on a journey through the dark days of December by telling you a little about the festive season's ancient past, traditions, ways, folklore, stories, superstitions and musings relating to the British Isles. Our current celebrations come from a long evolution of ancient practices tht have survived religious and cultural changes because of people's insitinctive need to bring light, warmth and activity into winter.'

'Most of all we also hope you will have great pleasure in counting through the days of December and join in with some of the traditions and celebrations still alive today.'

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